Wednesday 6 February 2013

Omnium Gatherum - 'The Unknowing' Music Video

Yes, more Omnium Gatherum. As of today, the Finnish melodic masters have released an official video for a track off their upcoming album, Beyond, via Lifeforce Records. The video itself is little more than a display of the generic themes associated within melodic death metal videos: broody nature shots cut up with close-ups of the band performing in a relatively dark place.

Yet what may be lacked somewhat in video originality is more than made up for by the accompanying song. Complementing the dramatic shots of a picturesque coastline (presumably a play on Beyond’s artwork) the song begins with a gloomy, melancholy acoustic passage which quickly kicks into a swinging, almost waltz-like pre-verse and verse where the meaty riffs and elegant melodies perfectly slide in and out of each other whilst Jukka Pelkonen’s vocals complement everything perfectly.

The song becomes a progressive masterpiece, garnished with an inevitable, but more-than-welcome Markus Vanhala solo, where he more than lives up to expectations, navigating the guitar with brilliant slides and tapping.

The progressive masterwork that is so prominent in Omnium Gatherum’s recent work is just as evident here and is applied so brilliantly. Everything lasts as long as it should, no riff is overused and painfully recycled, and no whiney melody is constantly thrown at the listener.  Perhaps the only criticism of the song could be the subdued feeling that is established at the beginning of the song doesn’t ever quite go away. The song, although brilliantly powerful at points, sometimes feels a little thin between sections; perhaps this isn’t a bad thing, though, as it could provide a gentler part for the climatic points to springboard from.
But that’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. The song is another wonderfully crafted Omnium Gatherum masterpiece and leaves anyone it touches hungry for more. It’s a good job the album is released on February the 25th.

I think that's quite enough OmG for one day...
                        Overall - 8.8/10

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